Personal Growth Systems



1.  Imprinting, Unconscious and A-5 (PDF)

Our unconscious selves, not our conscious selves, drive our actions. Our personal experience imprints our unconscious and we project these imprints on reality, believing it is actually happening outside us.

2.  The Natural Depths Process conceives of the self as an orchestra of complementary sub-personalities, all bringing their own perspectives, abilities and egos to every situation.             (PDF)

3.  Quaternity Design (PDF)

4.  The Four Corners Game: a group activity that helps players see Complementary  Wholeness.  (PDF)

5.  Complementary Wholeness is how we change our EITHER/OR perceptions to BOTH/AND…

6.  Direction of Error: knows yourself so you can compensate. (PDF)

7.  Feminine/Masculine Balance Worksheet  (PDF)

8.  Tone and Content (PDF)

9.  The Growth Wave: all living systems, including humans, go through a cycle of four phases over and over: Unforming - all that is known dissolves; Transforming - despair and hopelessness become inspiring visions; Reforming develops capabilities so we can recreate; Performing produces the results we value. (PDF)

10.  The Light and The Pyramid: Visions & Systems  (PDF)

We need the BOTH/AND of  great Purposes/Visions and effective Systems to create the worlds we truly want to live in. The Light symbolizes the Purposes that inspire and sustain us in the work of creation. The Pyramid symbolizes the Systems that produce results we want to live with.

11.  Creative Action Planning is a systematic approach to problem-solving that produces insight, enthusiasm and control and is fun. (PDF)

12.  The Cycle of Life: elders see both the whole cycle of life and live fully the point that is each moment. (PDF)

13.  Article on William Idol and Associates: Self Acceptance and the Art of Management (PDF)